ArrowSys s.r.o. Apps

LILKA PoS 1.2.1
ArrowSys s.r.o.
Functions- Interface for thermal bluetooth printer- Cash operations- Items/products- Receipts/bills- CSV exports for accountingFunctions:• Multi-purpose PoS application• Creating receipts with VAT• Sales reports• Cash registry reports• Managing products• Managing bill / receipt• Bluetooth interface for thermal printers• CSV exports from 7/2015Electronical collection of bills (Elektronickáevidencetržeb)• sample EET from 7/2015• posting receipts according to EET standards• managing unsent receipts.DeviceApplications works on Android 4.1 and higher, bluetooth printerhasto be paired in the device settings and after specified intheapplications settings.For the best performance of the app we recommend usersAndroid4.4 and bluetooth termal printer DL58.Contacts:[email protected](c) ArrowSys s.r.o.
Point of Sale LILKA 2.6.69
Fast and easy to use Point of Sale application for issuingreceipts. • Print receipts on thermal bluetooth printer • Noregistration, no montly or extra charges Functions: • Multi-purposePOS application • Creating receipts with VAT • Sales reports • Cashregistry reports • Managing products • Managing bills / receipts •Permissions for cashiers and managers • Interface for printing onWiFi and Bluetooth thermal printers • Emailing receips • CSVexports for accounting • Prepared for electronical collection ofbills (applicable for Czech based companies) • BIP44, xpub and HDrecipient addresses • Bitcoin and Litecoin payments support •Cryptocurrency exchange • Bitcoin price and transactionidentifications on receipts • Direct conversion of bitcoin paymentsto national currencies via Device Recommended setupis minimum Android 4.4 with thermal bluetooth printer. ANDROIDWINDOWS: APPLE(iOS): of DEMO version • Maximum 10 receipts • Limited cashoperations Contact: [email protected] (c) ArrowSyss.r.o.
VRP Printer eKasa - 3.27
A printer driver for Slovac VRP Fiscal cash register.
Faktureo Fakturace bez paušálu 1.1.1
Aplikace pro malé a střední firmy umožňuje vystavit PDF fakturuaodeslat ji s platebními informacemi zákazníkovi. Seznam funkcí-Vystavení faktury - Vytvoření PDF - Odeslání faktury přese-mail,chatovací aplikace a ostatní - Evidence úhrad - Grafysplatností -Evidence adres / kontaktů - Šablony faktur - Bankovníúčty
Contio 24 - Bezobslužný obchod 1.17.0
Access and shopping in the Contio unattended store